Jonas was a normal 11 year old living in the community. Jonas was close to his 12th birthday and he felt apprehensive about the idea of turning 12, given that at the age of 12 a big ceremony was held in which 11 year-olds where given their assignments. Assignments where given by the elders which watched every child and decided upon their future job according to their attributes and personality. In this community there are a variety of rules that are heavily controlled. For example each family unit can only have two children one boy and one girl each, children are not actually family with their parents they are taken away from their biological parents and assigned to another family. Given that Jonas had spent all his volunteer hours on a variety of different jobs he did not have much idea of what his assignment would be.
A question you have about the character, theme, phrase, symbol, or anything that makes you wonder
"What happens when they make the actual release?"
What does happen when people get released? I believe that in the community people get released when the are no longer of use for the community. When people get released I think that they are probably killed, not in a painful way but just with a needle or something like that. I think that people are probably killed when they are "released" because what else could they do to them, the people that are released are rule breakers, kids with some type of problem and old people. I think that every person that doesn't have any problem on fulfilling their task gets released at the same age except for a select group of people that form the council of elders.
I would like to keep reading this book to find out about the various questions I have. I think Jonas is a special kid who will probably later on start causing problems to the community. I would also like to know what happened with the world and what is outside of the community. Until now I've found this book very interesting and it has given me a lot of questions that i would like to keep reading to answer.
I would like to keep reading this book to find out about the various questions I have. I think Jonas is a special kid who will probably later on start causing problems to the community. I would also like to know what happened with the world and what is outside of the community. Until now I've found this book very interesting and it has given me a lot of questions that i would like to keep reading to answer.
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